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bed & breakfast
Stanza singola in affitto, affittasi camera singola via San Martino San Martino Pisa #finsubito prestito immediato


Welcome to a delightful single room in the heart of Pisa’s historical center! Priced at 350 euros per month, this room offers a unique opportunity for Italian and international students. Please consider the 110-euro utility forfait covering water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, and condominium fees, payable upon arrival.

Room Details:

Type: Single room with a queen-size bed (female tenants only)
Location: Exquisite Pisan Palace with antique furnishings
Flat Setup: Four single rooms, a shared kitchen/living room, and a shared bathroom
Rent: 350 euros per month for single occupancy, 470 euros for two persons
Additional Services:

Bedding Package: 4 bedsheets, 2 pillowcases, and 2 blankets available for 40 euros (with a 10-euro refund upon proper return)
Key Handover: Upon arrival, keys will be provided, and photos of the room and common areas will be taken.
Rental Conditions:

Payments: Cash payments on the day of check-in include the second monthly rent, a 2-month deposit (utilities included), a 75-euro contract registration fee, 90 euros for utilities in the first month, and a 30-euro deposit for house and room keys (refundable).
Utility Adjustments: Higher utility consumption is billed every two months, deducted from the deposit.
Rent Payment: Bi-monthly payments, due every second day of the month. Late payments incur deductions from the deposit.
Deposit Return: At the end of the stay, the deposit is refunded via bank transfer if the room is returned clean.
DISCOUNT Options (please inquire before booking):

Cessione crediti fiscali

procedure celeri

A) 5% discount on the total contract value for paying the full rent in advance (within two days from check-in), requiring only one month of deposit.
B) 10% discount for renting the room for 9 or 10 months, applicable and reimbursed on the last month’s rent.

Cleaning Fees: Failure to return the room and common areas clean incurs a fee of 50 euros per room, 80 euros for common areas, and 50 euros for each bathroom.
Waste Disposal: Tenants must inform the Municipality of Pisa and collect a magnetic card for organic waste disposal.

Notification: 3 months in advance for contracts of 6 to 9 months or 2 months for contracts of 1 to 5 months. Failure to find a replacement tenant may result in losing the 2-month deposit.
MONTHLY CONTRACT: Rent is due for each calendar month, including the month of move-in and move-out.

Noise Regulations: Quiet hours from 23:00 to 08:00, with fines for violations.
Codice Fiscale: Tenants must obtain a “Codice Fiscale” for contract registration at the “Ufficio delle Entrate.”
Viewings: Generally not provided due to platform policies.

Strictly no smoking or drug use. Violations result in eviction, with the loss of rents and deposit.
Compliance with Municipality of Pisa and condominium regulations is mandatory.
Visa Refunds: Possible within 30 days before arrival; after 30 days from booking confirmation, the refund of the first monthly rent is not possible.

Guests: Tenant must seek written authorization for guests. A fee of 2 euros/day/guest (max 4 days) is payable to the landlord for extra costs.
Longer Stays: For guests staying beyond 5 days, the tenant must pay an additional lump sum of 70 euros every 15 days.
Note: The deposit cannot be used to pay rent under Italian law.
If interested, send a booking request or a message, and please mention your age and occupation. Looking forward to meeting you!

\nTraduci la descrizione dell’annuncio in italiano

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Finanziamenti Bed & Breakfasts

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